Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Might Even Be a Rockstar!

Ok, Ok, I will admit it. I love Hannah Montana. The girls and I were just watching her 3-D concert on the Disney Channel and they went to bed and I keep watching. Not because I haven't seen it. I saw it in the theater. Seriously. I can't help it. The show is funny. The music is catchy. She is adorable. I wish people (the media) would just leave one of the few untainted stars we have left well enough alone and let her have the five minutes of childhood she has left. Her music is positive and girl-empowering. I don't remember having someone that was so positive to listen to when I was in second grade. Cut to me, eight years old singing "like a virgin....touched for the very first time..." No lie. Now back to Hannah "everybody makes mistakes.....everybody has those days..." Which would you rather your kids be listening to? I know I am a MUCH more astute parent than my parents were. I would never have bought my kid an album entitled "Like a Virgin". No effing way. Since we are not a gospel kind of family, my kids would have to spend their childhood humming showtunes if it weren't for Hannah. Now we have a show we can watch together and music we can turn up on the radio without having to listen for the parts I would rather they not memorize. I know I can be very overprotective. I know this. It doesn't change the fact that it is about time we had someone that we can all rock out to. Long live Hannah Montana! You can laugh at me now.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to who?

Tomorrow is my youngest daughter's birthday party. She just turned eight. My oldest daughter is nine so that means this is our 17th birthday party. Holy crap! I have never done that math before. It has been many years since I have had enough money to purchase the little gift bags that go home with every tiny party goer. I did have some guilt at first but now (still broke) I no longer have guilt. Who started this nonsense? Since when is it appropriate to expect a schwag bag when you go to a kid's birthday party? With not a lot of money, I would rather spend my money on the birthday girl. For anyone that has not bought these goodie bags, they can easily run over fifty bucks. Sorry, that's a whole other present. I also know that the moment a partygoer gets home, the bag goes right into the trash, mostly because it's a bunch of junk. Call it going green, call it selfishness, whatevs. I am not doing it. I found some glow bracelets for the kids for a dollar. I will be giving those but they won't come in cute bags to be thrown away. We will have cake and fun. Isn't that enough anymore?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Vagina Check

I have found a new addiction. (like I need another one) I have been playing darts on myspace. It's a multiplayer game where you play against other people, not the computer. I like that. Usually, people are very nice. Some don't want to chat at all. Those are my favorites. I would much rather just play. I have had a few people try to pick me up. I guess that is to be expected. There are a lot of lonely people in the world. I just finished a game with a guy that was a total dick. Picture this: game three comes to a close and I have taken him two out of three. He wants to play again. Sure! I will take that bet. A few darts in he tries to type something foul that gets blurred out. So he types it one letter at a time. S...L...U...T next line W...H...O...R...E. WTF? What in the H E double hockey sticks is that all about? I beat him and now he wants to rattle me. I would love to say that I beat him but I didn't. I don't feel too bad about it though. I tried not to justify his immaturity but I did get one thing in "if winning a computer game makes you fell like a man, go for it". Pretty good huh? His response was the best. he said (spread out so he didn't get blurred) "your vagina hurts" . It doesn't. My vagina is just fine. Thanks for checking.