Saturday, July 12, 2008

Vagina Check

I have found a new addiction. (like I need another one) I have been playing darts on myspace. It's a multiplayer game where you play against other people, not the computer. I like that. Usually, people are very nice. Some don't want to chat at all. Those are my favorites. I would much rather just play. I have had a few people try to pick me up. I guess that is to be expected. There are a lot of lonely people in the world. I just finished a game with a guy that was a total dick. Picture this: game three comes to a close and I have taken him two out of three. He wants to play again. Sure! I will take that bet. A few darts in he tries to type something foul that gets blurred out. So he types it one letter at a time. S...L...U...T next line W...H...O...R...E. WTF? What in the H E double hockey sticks is that all about? I beat him and now he wants to rattle me. I would love to say that I beat him but I didn't. I don't feel too bad about it though. I tried not to justify his immaturity but I did get one thing in "if winning a computer game makes you fell like a man, go for it". Pretty good huh? His response was the best. he said (spread out so he didn't get blurred) "your vagina hurts" . It doesn't. My vagina is just fine. Thanks for checking.


Brown said...

That's priceless!!
In case he asks - my vagina is doing just fine, too!

Dirty Kat Box said...

How is your vag doing today? just wanted to check... hehehehehehehe!

Carianne said...

still doing well! I will keep you posted!