Monday, September 8, 2008


My friend Katie recently did a blog that I am going to copy. Like a cat. Her favorite number is 57 so when she hit her 57th blog she decided to do a "57 things about me" blog. It was so funny that I decided to do one too. In her honor and for the love of the number 57, I am going to tell you 57 things about me too and hope mine are as entertaining as hers was. I think every blogger should do the same. Here goes nothing.

1. Annie (as in lil orphan) was my hero as a kid.

2. I once broke the kitchen light while I was dancing naked in my room above it when I was a kid.

3. I am afraid of EVERYTHING including, but not limited to, heights, all things that fly, the dark, dangerous machinery, ladders and anything bad that may happen to my kids or Cyn.

4. Sometimes I feel like there are not enough meds in the world to cure my crazy.

5. I worry everyday that I will pass my worrying on to my kids. Hence, crazy.

6. Tap dancing was and always will be my happy place.

7. I don't know if I will ever be a homeowner.

8. I kind of like the cheezy music we have on the overhead at work that everyone complains about.

9. I get lost driving home. (not really but you get the picture!)

10. I wish I were more creative.

11. I LOVE having Mondays off! Now only rainy days get me down.

12. My biggest talent is to memorize songs with supersonic speed. Useless unless I become a rockstar someday which is unlikely.

13. I do an amazing impression of Roz from Monsters Inc.

14. I wish my boobs were smaller.

15. I used to think that the Indigo Girls were a couple and had to see them soon because they were going to break up any minute.

16. I HATE that my house is so messy all the time. You would think that would make me clean it but here I sit, blogging.

17. Sometimes I lose weight without even trying.

18. I think spending money on laundry is a waste. Hence, messy house.

19. I worry I won't live up to the expectations they have for me at work.

20. I live for naps.

21. My favorite part of facebook is reading other people's status updates.

22. Sometimes I go through Guitar Hero withdrawals.

23. I hate the way glasses and non-coated paper plates feel. They give me the skeeves.

24. I want to own a small pick-up truck someday.

25. I wish I set off people's gaydar once in a while.

26. I have no idea how it happened, but I was in the Kenny Rogers' fan club when I was seven.

27. Music has always been my escape from the yucks.

28. If I could live off of coffee and nicotine I would. For days.

29. Technology is passing me by and I am slowly becoming the old lady that can't run the remote.

30. I love the smell of febreze.

31. I don't collect anything except junk.

32. As lonely as we both were, I am glad that my sister and I grew up apart because I don't know if we would be as close as we are now and that would be worse than being lonely.

33. My favorite number is two.

34. I don't know how it happened but my kids think the word crap is a swear. I say it all the time.

35. Concerts are my favorite thing to do of all time.

36. I miss playing games with my friends.

37. I am a very picky eater.

38. I miss the days of developing film when I had pictures in hand everytime.

38. I have had seven surgeries. I am about to have number eight. I am 34.

39. I always thought working with kids was what I wanted to do forever but I am so far enjoying retail much more.

40. I cringe everytime I hear people talk about being bipolar as the ultimate in crazy.

41. I am bipolar.

42. I put my family and friends through hell when I was first diagnosed and I will never get over that guilt.

43. I would rather text than call. This from the person that would spend up to 7-8 hours a day on the phone when I was a teenager.

44. I love Disney even though I have heard that Walt was a homophobe.

45. I always wanted a nick-name when I was a kid.

46. I wish I could keep my kids under my wing forever. I am sane enough to know that I can't.

47. I hate being cold more than almost anything else in the whole world.

48. Even though winter makes me miserable, I have no intention of ever moving out of New Hampshire.

49. My kids' Easter baskets are still in my living room.

50. I am proud to be part of a sorority. The thought that it has died out can almost bring tears to my eyes every time.

51. I almost never cry.

52. When I was a kid, I would imagine my biological parents were superheroes or rockstars.

53. I wonder if I will ever catch a break.

54. I really don't care what most people think about me.

55. I am fully aware that lots of people think I am a bitch a lot of the time.

56. I love to cross stitch Christmas stockings for my family even though I mess up a lot.

57. This blog took me all morning to write.